Why periodic Dental Scaling is necessary

Do you get regular dental scaling?

There are some people who haven't  had dental scaling before.

Or some get periodic dental scaling but they don't know why.
They do it just for hygienic purposes.

Is it true?
Does Dental Scaling have only hygienic function?

I am going to explain why dental scaling is important, so read this posting before you skip your regular dental appointment.

We need to know what dental scaling means first.

Dental Scaling is to remove dental caculus(stones) in mouth

and Dental calculus is a form of hardened dental plaque which is food for oral bacteria.

These bacteria cause gum disease which are different with the Bacteria causing Dental Caries.

If the one doesn't get scaling in proper time, the calculus depositions cause a Gum disease.

Gum Disease Symptoms
  • Bleeding with tooth brushing or flossing
  • Gum color becomes red or dark red
  • Sometimes you feel sensitive around your teeth even though there is no caries.
  • And so on 

If you have these symptoms, it's a bit late already.
These symptoms are revealed when the disease has got into the Inflammation Level.

The Inflammation Level causes some of irreversible changes into your gum and tooth bone.

I will talk about these changes next time.

I am
  • a Dentist (Doctor of Dental Surgery)
  • a Specialist in Advanced General Dentistry
  • running my own Dental Clinic
